
What's the Status, Gladys?

It took a week, but things are finally coming back into order. I am now a registered Massachusetts resident, complete with license plate, amd am sure I will be affecionately regaled as an official "Mass-hole" in other states that I may travel in, complete with requisite and loving finger getures and shouts of recognition. The other guy's insurance company is coming through and I will restore the "Steroid Stallion" back to it's former glory. All in all, I was out 3 days of work trying to get things together over the holiday and was somewhat besiged by worry and mild post accident depression.

On the other hand, after all the paperwork and show leather I was working off on Monday, I had an interview for a new position on Tuesday with my company as a Senior Engineering Technician. I think the interview went smashingly. Especially since my mind wasn't on the details of preparing for it. Which may have actually helped. I was in some sort of Zen flow-state during the interview and my words and actions flowed out like water from Moses's Rock. Except no one had to strike me with a rod. Repeatedly. Until I submitted.


Subaru VS Ion Farmer

A dark, rainy day and bumper to bumper traffic always has me driving a little more cautious than usual. Not this guy. He was on me like a backpack for miles and I had "The Inking", y'know when it's obvious somethings going to happen, it's just a matter of time. . . BASH!

I had enough room in front of me that when he hit, I'd be clear of anyone in front of me. I saw the whole thing happening literally miles before it happened and there was nothing I could do about it. Anyway, I'm OK and they're OK and now it's just a matter of time and money.

As you can see the Subaru took the brunt of the damage and I am happy to say that the "Station Wagon on Steriods" that I dirve, sometimes called a Magnum, escaped with minor scratches as far as is visable to the eye. Of course, once the bumper is removed, there's no telling what the deal is.

So, I'm starting my holiday a little early to get some paperwork done.



Man or Astroman?

All Right! My favorite new find this week? I'm glad You asked, my level headed friend! PANDORA!! What is it and why do I like it? Here's the deal, when Pandora comes up it load a streaming media player, you enter a song or artist that you like and pandora searches the music genome project to find similar songs and artisit and makes a streaming radio station with that music. Sometimes it's a miss, but more often it's a hit.

I've got mind PC rigged up with a T-Amp and routed to a pair of near field studio monitors I got from E-Bay. A T-Amp is a small battery powered amplifier with amazing audiophile-grade sound reproduction qualities that rival high dollar amps for under $30.00 and worth 10 times the cash. This amplifier will drive typical full size stereo speakers!! I've never had a better sounding audio system in my life.

Anyway my favorite radio station on Pandora right now is my own creation,Link Wray Radio which is basically Ventures type instrumentals. Good Stuff!


Back From the Dead

Hey Y'all, I feel that I am back in full effect, the case of technological beat-down has been solved. There's been lots going on since I last put a finger to keyboard, but the jist of it is that I am applying for a new position at the same company, one that better suits my motivations. Anyway, we'll see how that goes. There's no reason I shouldn't get hired. Unless the good old boy system aka "The Man" keeps me down. In which case I will redouble my efforts in "Stickin' It" to the aforementioned "Man". Unless, you happen to be the man, in which case, I say, "Hi, how are you? Oh, yeah, well, things here are going smashingly. Have to run now."

I've tried a new thing I'm diggin on with the newssites and blogs I read, I've used the atom/rss feeds where available to put them on my personalized Google home page. You have to have a gmail account to personalize google, I think, but if you still need an invitation to create a gmail account, use one of the methods to contact me from the sidebar over there, and I'll send you one. I've always like Google as my home page because it is clean, loads fast, and lets me get to what I really want so browse quickly, and now between using Firefox and it's amazing list of extensions, and creating new blocks on my personalized Google home page, I can see if anything interesting has happened quick.

Every now and then, It's a little hard to tell,
But I'm still alive and well.
-Johnny Winter