
Man or Astroman?

All Right! My favorite new find this week? I'm glad You asked, my level headed friend! PANDORA!! What is it and why do I like it? Here's the deal, when Pandora comes up it load a streaming media player, you enter a song or artist that you like and pandora searches the music genome project to find similar songs and artisit and makes a streaming radio station with that music. Sometimes it's a miss, but more often it's a hit.

I've got mind PC rigged up with a T-Amp and routed to a pair of near field studio monitors I got from E-Bay. A T-Amp is a small battery powered amplifier with amazing audiophile-grade sound reproduction qualities that rival high dollar amps for under $30.00 and worth 10 times the cash. This amplifier will drive typical full size stereo speakers!! I've never had a better sounding audio system in my life.

Anyway my favorite radio station on Pandora right now is my own creation,Link Wray Radio which is basically Ventures type instrumentals. Good Stuff!


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