
Ion Farmer VS iPowerweb: The Thrilla via Mozilla

Jennifer Dwyer: Hi Ion Farmer. My name is Jennifer, how are you today?

Ion Farmer: HI, Jennifer, I'm good. My domain www.freedomalleystudios.com is down. I cannot load it from my browser, but I can log into the administration site via the administrtative homepage.

Jennifer Dwyer: Okay.

Jennifer Dwyer: I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.

Jennifer Dwyer: While I reviewing your account, I have noticed that you have not set the Security Question of your account. In order to set the Security Question of your account, please follow the steps given below:

Ion Farmer: Okay

Jennifer Dwyer: 1. Log into the Control Panel http://www.someserverhost.com/controlpanel/index.bml with username and password.

Jennifer Dwyer: 2. Click on 'Set Security Question' link under ‘Account Information’ section.

Jennifer Dwyer: 3. Click on the radio button 'New Profile'.

Jennifer Dwyer: 4. Enter the First Name, Last Name, and set the Security Question and the Security Answer.

Jennifer Dwyer: 5. Click on the 'Save' button.

Ion Farmer: Okay

Jennifer Dwyer: Are you able to set the Security Question?

Ion Farmer: Yes

Jennifer Dwyer: To protect your account from unauthorized changes, can you please verify for me the answer to the Security Question:

Jennifer Dwyer: What is the name of your pet?

Ion Farmer: Herbert.

Jennifer Dwyer: Thank you for the authentication.

Ion Farmer: No, thank you! I feel more secure already! I haven't felt this secure with the whole internet thing in years! I mean, at first, I was wary that Internet interactions would be subject to unethical activity due to the vail of anonymity, but that ends today! I don't think anyone would be able to untangle this Gordian knot of high-tech security!! Can we go over this, just one more time, how this, exactly, is protecting my account from unauthorized changes? I mean really, you have no idea who I am. I guess I could send you a image of a drivers license -er, I mean, my drivers license.

Ion Farmer: Hello?

Ion Farmer: What's the name of your pet?

Chat Information: Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.


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