
What's the Status, Gladys?

It took a week, but things are finally coming back into order. I am now a registered Massachusetts resident, complete with license plate, amd am sure I will be affecionately regaled as an official "Mass-hole" in other states that I may travel in, complete with requisite and loving finger getures and shouts of recognition. The other guy's insurance company is coming through and I will restore the "Steroid Stallion" back to it's former glory. All in all, I was out 3 days of work trying to get things together over the holiday and was somewhat besiged by worry and mild post accident depression.

On the other hand, after all the paperwork and show leather I was working off on Monday, I had an interview for a new position on Tuesday with my company as a Senior Engineering Technician. I think the interview went smashingly. Especially since my mind wasn't on the details of preparing for it. Which may have actually helped. I was in some sort of Zen flow-state during the interview and my words and actions flowed out like water from Moses's Rock. Except no one had to strike me with a rod. Repeatedly. Until I submitted.


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