
I woke up this morning full of ideas. I had a dream about BBOP. I ran this organization and it was pronounced Bebop. It stood for Buy Back Our Politicians. The goal of the organization was to start locally and raise pledges for community based political issues. The idea was to take pledges for an issue that would overwhelmingly better the community and seek the politicians with a say in that issue and offer campaign contributions to represent their constituents. It's a shame that that idea actually makes sense to me. It would be a non-partisan organization and completely volunteer in nature. It's goal is to offset the corruption of political action committees and to only act on major community enhancing issues. I'd like to hear anyones comments about that idea, but then again if people voiced their opinions we wouldn't need BBOP would we?

Here's some fun for you and your friends: Adult Sized Big-Wheels!

The Murals of Northern Ireland: Someone went through a lot of work to document political murals from the area throughout the years, complete with pictures and various details.


It's Good To Be The King, Baby

This Throne Room is about to get medieval on your ass.


What Goes In Is What Goes Out

A wise saying goes like this: if you train a child in the way he should go, when he is old, he will not depart from it.

The moulding of young minds must begin with the family. A good home with good values provides the strong foundations of a good citizenry.

But because our young citizens start some form of schooling, starting from pre-school, the role of teachers cannot be underestimated.

And which teachers influenced me the most you ask? Why Superhost, Hoolihan, Big Chuck and Little John, and Ghoulardi in his many incarnations. Didn't effect me none to much that there didn't.


Malls of America

High School Graduation Party Season is Here! I was reminded of that this afternoon when I watched a drunken teenage girl stumble back and forth from lawns and traffic on the way home from work. Where was I during High School Graduation Party Season during my day? Probably lost somewhere in the Malls of America. Yer Welcome!



And Introducing. . .

Defending his title as Intercontinental International Heavyweight Pussy-Beating Champion of the World, weighing in at a heavy 14 pounds, wearing the black trunks, hailing from Memphis, Tennessee, the Brawler from the Holler, Houdini "Huey" the Cat.


Cannot find zerver

I have found jewelry to give for all occasions! Please look at the ZELLE CATALOG and forgive me later. Oh Yeah, I almost forgot, you can look at this Elsewhere.


The Prometheus III

I have finally dragged my air balloon kit from storage and am getting ready for my trip. Her name is the Prometheus III and is the third in a series of Air Balloon experiments gone awry. My idea is to get her out west as far as I can and travel the US back to Massachusetts. Along the way I will be keeping this blog up to date by leaching WiFi connections by hovering very closely above private homes. I figure that if I can anchor and hover I should be able to leach a connection long enough to keep the site updated. I will be keeping in touch with the Skype for Pocket PC program I downloaded. My Skype name will be IonFarmer. I want to do this as clandestinely as possible so I will be transversing the contiguous United States only at night, looking for a good clearing before daylight to shelter in. During the early daylight hours I will establish communications with the support team command vehicle (a White Econoline van, stocked for a six week adventure)who will find me via radio and our GPS units and resupply me with new balloons, helium, ice, beer, or any chair webbing that I may require. I think the plan is solid enough for a lawn chair balloon ride, but this is the first time I will document it.

To my friends and family I would like tell them not to worry: I have done this on occasion at lease twice before and, although, I have never tried to make a continuous journey I think it will be alright. The previous experiments only resulted in loss of equipment and minor injuries and I think that the experience has toughened my resolve enough to make this journey a successful one. I have assembled the best team that was readily available. They have assured me that they are willing to support me with any idea that I have as long as the beer holds out. I know, that this seems not to be the most concrete of promises, I feel assured that the most disposable of all Virtues, and of course, I mean Loyalty, is truly behind their assurances and I have total faith in my team.

And to ensure this Loyalty, I have,in an act of good faith, made my support team the main beneficiaries, both in my final will and testament and my grotesquely exaggerated,company sponsored, life insurance. I know that these guys are my life line to success. I think that it is this mutually shared faith that has,and will continue,to make Team IonFarmer as successful as it can be under the circumstances.



Spirit of Radio

Well, I've been going to training for work and although I can appreciate the necessity of it, and appreciate the knowledge I have gained about the inner workings of an ion implanter, I must say that the last 2 days have been mind numbing. We have been pouring over the schematics of the machine. Now for me schematics are invaluable and I have read so many that I have become very fluent in this language, but I can and will do this on my own. I was hoping for some insight and not readily observable indications. Instead we traced signal paths, and the instructor seemed to familiarize himself with the new system.

Like I said, mind numbing.

I was called an "early adapter" today. It is s personality that finds new technology and implements it, and I was told by the Korean that referred to me as one that it was a Japanese term. It seems to be a term from meme theory upon further research. I like being recognized as an early adapter instead of gadget happy, geek, or tech nerd as is usual.

Well, maybe I am too proud. I have been studying to obtain a amateur Radio License. Things have change a great deal since the last time I was exposed to this medium of communication in the early 90's. I already know most of the circuitry (I like that word, it makes me think that there should be this word: pocketry. Pocketry would be the design of pockets in a garment e.g. "Hey, your Scott eVest has nice pocketry!") and just need to review the subtleties of radio wave propagation. I found a great study tool at Ham Exam that includes a Morse code trainer.

I will try to be less tardy with the updates, but there are no promises.