
I woke up this morning full of ideas. I had a dream about BBOP. I ran this organization and it was pronounced Bebop. It stood for Buy Back Our Politicians. The goal of the organization was to start locally and raise pledges for community based political issues. The idea was to take pledges for an issue that would overwhelmingly better the community and seek the politicians with a say in that issue and offer campaign contributions to represent their constituents. It's a shame that that idea actually makes sense to me. It would be a non-partisan organization and completely volunteer in nature. It's goal is to offset the corruption of political action committees and to only act on major community enhancing issues. I'd like to hear anyones comments about that idea, but then again if people voiced their opinions we wouldn't need BBOP would we?

Here's some fun for you and your friends: Adult Sized Big-Wheels!

The Murals of Northern Ireland: Someone went through a lot of work to document political murals from the area throughout the years, complete with pictures and various details.


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