
Spirit of Radio

Well, I've been going to training for work and although I can appreciate the necessity of it, and appreciate the knowledge I have gained about the inner workings of an ion implanter, I must say that the last 2 days have been mind numbing. We have been pouring over the schematics of the machine. Now for me schematics are invaluable and I have read so many that I have become very fluent in this language, but I can and will do this on my own. I was hoping for some insight and not readily observable indications. Instead we traced signal paths, and the instructor seemed to familiarize himself with the new system.

Like I said, mind numbing.

I was called an "early adapter" today. It is s personality that finds new technology and implements it, and I was told by the Korean that referred to me as one that it was a Japanese term. It seems to be a term from meme theory upon further research. I like being recognized as an early adapter instead of gadget happy, geek, or tech nerd as is usual.

Well, maybe I am too proud. I have been studying to obtain a amateur Radio License. Things have change a great deal since the last time I was exposed to this medium of communication in the early 90's. I already know most of the circuitry (I like that word, it makes me think that there should be this word: pocketry. Pocketry would be the design of pockets in a garment e.g. "Hey, your Scott eVest has nice pocketry!") and just need to review the subtleties of radio wave propagation. I found a great study tool at Ham Exam that includes a Morse code trainer.

I will try to be less tardy with the updates, but there are no promises.


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