
Corporate Grays

cor·po·ra·tion (kôr'pe-rā'shen)n. A legal entity from its genesis with unprecedented legal protection stemming from creative interpretation of the 14th amendment, that is from its origins as an institution chartered by governments to carry out specific public functions, to the rise of the vast modern institutions entitled to the legal rights of a "person."

I had an idea last night. I was watching television and surfing the endless channels when a "UFO coverup" special appeared. I liked the UFO myths, when I was young. There was nothing better than scanning the skies and thinking that you may have sighted something from another world when I was 7 years old. I was thinking about that the other day and wondered just what it was that killed my fascination with the whole idea. I mean UFO stories scared me and excited me when I was young, like a good ghost story, but I lost interest in UFO's. I still appreciate a creative ghost story. I thought about it and then realized that I lost interest in UFO's about the same time that abduction stories became a trend. And when I thought about it a little more, I realized that the exact moment I lost interest was when it became corroborated that the sole reason these aliens were abducting people was to give them an anal probe. It kind of killed the story for me. Why would aliens do that?

Day 47342 -Ship's Entry- I have traveled several parsecs with my crew. Needless to say after many endless years on duty, the crews spirit is crushed. Today, we have come in contact with the recreation planet, Earth. As is tradition, we have abducted a few human specimens. After performing our doctor/scientist pantomime and doing several very intense "mind reading" gags, we subjected them to what they refer to as "The Probe". They make that face every time. Priceless. After several stops, the crews morale was on an upswing. We have continued onward with the mission.

So, back to my idea, I started thinking about the "grays" and what kind of mind would come up with that. I think that in the ancient days, these people would not be deluded or mentally ill, but would be the subjects of visions. It's just that no one has asked why so many have been having these experiences. Most have assumed that it is for some kind of publicity or attention, but I really think that it is an allegory for the corporation.

Because the corporation is a relatively new social institution and really does not have a well defined existence in terms of personal meaning, these stories, chiefly created by those with a high suggestibility of absorption, I think these stories are a social commentary, and a way to define what exactly a corporation represents to most people.

Think about these similarities: Dispassionate, faceless, alien, psychopathic in some cases, appear and disappear in silent grandeur, seen as monsters, highly technically evolved, covered up by the government, not accountable for their actions, able to do what they please, anonymous. I could draw more, but you get the picture.

Hearing Jimi

Jimi Hendrix has been a staple in my ideas about music since my first musical memory. I remember being about three years old and riding in the back of my fathers red convertabile Oldsmobile with the top down. The radio was on and I heard the phrase "The traffic lights turn blue tomorrow" and was wondering how? I never did get a satisfactory answer from my follow up interrogations to my Dad, but I did learn that it was Hendrix who sang it and I wanted to find out more. I bought my first Hendrix LP (In From The Storm) at a Garage sale for a quarter when I was 7. I've listened to everything since then including a nice 27 Minute Jam with John McLaughlin.

The Smoking Gun found Jimi's millitary records. I have read a lot about the man and a central lie that is always retold is that he was kicked out of the 101st Airborne after he wracked his back after a jump. It turns out that it wasn't his back that he was wracking.

This series of reports contains my favorite statement about the man and where authority and structured institutional life rated in his hieracrchy:

Pvt. Hendrix plays a musical instrument in a band off duty and has let this interfere with is military duties in so much as missing bed check and not getting enough sleep. He has no interest whatsoever in the Army



Gene K's Song of the Month

Back to Freedom Alley Studios

Howdy Doodies!! I updated my WEBSITE today for the first time in months. Really, all I did was to prune the dead links. I have to come up with some changes for it though, it's a little confusing because it started as an experiment to see if I could make a halfway decent site and grew into some experimental mumbo jumbo. The main purpose it started out with was a repository for the acoustic music I recorded of Summersville, WV muscians so that they could have a place to always find their music. After my intial successes, it got weird. Anyway, I want to change the overall layout and the way it looks. My apologies if I lose some account information, which has been the biggest thing keeping me from doing to transition in the first place. I think that I can keep the database intact, but I guess we'll see. Lately the Binary Gods have had me on their "Smite" list. Keep the faith, Chief!