
The Prometheus III

I have finally dragged my air balloon kit from storage and am getting ready for my trip. Her name is the Prometheus III and is the third in a series of Air Balloon experiments gone awry. My idea is to get her out west as far as I can and travel the US back to Massachusetts. Along the way I will be keeping this blog up to date by leaching WiFi connections by hovering very closely above private homes. I figure that if I can anchor and hover I should be able to leach a connection long enough to keep the site updated. I will be keeping in touch with the Skype for Pocket PC program I downloaded. My Skype name will be IonFarmer. I want to do this as clandestinely as possible so I will be transversing the contiguous United States only at night, looking for a good clearing before daylight to shelter in. During the early daylight hours I will establish communications with the support team command vehicle (a White Econoline van, stocked for a six week adventure)who will find me via radio and our GPS units and resupply me with new balloons, helium, ice, beer, or any chair webbing that I may require. I think the plan is solid enough for a lawn chair balloon ride, but this is the first time I will document it.

To my friends and family I would like tell them not to worry: I have done this on occasion at lease twice before and, although, I have never tried to make a continuous journey I think it will be alright. The previous experiments only resulted in loss of equipment and minor injuries and I think that the experience has toughened my resolve enough to make this journey a successful one. I have assembled the best team that was readily available. They have assured me that they are willing to support me with any idea that I have as long as the beer holds out. I know, that this seems not to be the most concrete of promises, I feel assured that the most disposable of all Virtues, and of course, I mean Loyalty, is truly behind their assurances and I have total faith in my team.

And to ensure this Loyalty, I have,in an act of good faith, made my support team the main beneficiaries, both in my final will and testament and my grotesquely exaggerated,company sponsored, life insurance. I know that these guys are my life line to success. I think that it is this mutually shared faith that has,and will continue,to make Team IonFarmer as successful as it can be under the circumstances.



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