
Starlight Shine Eternal

This is the first night I had a night swim. I don't know the reason, perhaps the deep sense of relaxation, but it struck me as such the perfect night. It was a night so perfect in mood and feel, a comfortable 79F, slight wind bringing stray scents of spring blooms and snatches of children cries of delight from some streets over, quarter moon glow, the leaves rustling. Yes, it is a night reminding me of the old days, staring at the ageless stars that heroes and villains from taleless aeons wondered upon, brightly lit stars, weightless in the celestial bowl, hinting at tales of mythology wondrous and yet elusive.

This is the season of the graduation party, (best enjoyed junior year, waiting to be next) hearing the well laid plans of those juggernauting into the dim unknown. It is the season of the forbidden gathering, sneaking a 12-pack some impossible way, finding a stretch of woods or a parking lot and having the best beer: The illegal, taboo, beer, the illicit forbidden fruit, never tastier, fresher, sharper than right now. Maybe you find yourself fireside, weaving incredible stories, narrations of bold conquest, or pondering the way life will unfold. Only the young can live as Vikings, Viking who are consigned to live a life that is History's glory days that Father Time tells repeatedly and with relish at the end of the bar. Now is the time, life is never better because the possibilities seem infinite, and the vastness of that possibility eliminates the perimeters that are the bounds of life.

Ah, yes, but back to the topic this week: Piracetam. Pracetam did not cause the headaches apparently it was the lack of coffee, as I have not had any more problems with it. I am noticing a deeper sense of relaxation and ability to concentrate daily. Very subtle, very tangible.


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