

My mother has always had an eye for unusual rocks. I don't know why or how, but she can always come up with something strange that is fossilized, and just damn odd. This one is her latest find, and she says that it could be a frog. Now this is the unretouched photo that she has sent to me for an professional opinion, and I have to say that me and the rest of the boys down here at the lab are puzzled. We've got tech's dragging equipment out of the mathom lab and experts working around the clock looking for new ways to explain this. The pressure is on and the clock is running. Do you mind if I am frank with you? If we don;t come up with an answer pretty soon, we're going to lose our government funding. Did you hear that? WE'RE GOING TO LOSE OUR GOVERNMENT FUNDING! Are you picking that up visually as well? Here, allow me to demonstrate:

So I need you guys to get me some answers right away, our this whole Ion Farmer ride is over. It was fun while it lasted, but without government funding, we will go the way of feathered hair and back pocket combs. Damn, I enjoyed it while it lasted.


Blogger Ion Farmer said...

I thought about changing it about a week ago. Let me know when your team of Linux experts has it under control. . .

2:52 PM  

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