
Ion Farmer VS Tome, Logo West Africa / Austrailia

You know, what surprises me about the legal profession is the kindness, humanity, warmth, and patience that continue to be bestowed upon obvious basket cases like myself. Young pre-law and barrister wanna-be's, take note: You would be wise to travel to Lome, Togo, West Africa / Austrailia and tutor under Barrister Ottis Charles, Esq.

Let me have answers this questions.and try to call me if you mean business.i do not need your money

1.Your full name
2.Your contact and mailing address
3.Your private telephone and fax number
4.Your age
5.Your statue
6.Your proffesion
7.Scan copy of your international passport or driver's license


Ottis C. ESQ

Although brisk and to the point I had to explain myself a little. I'm just trying to help this man out. I like to help. I'm a helpful guy. Just like helpin'.

Esqire Charles-

Thank you for your prompt reply. Sorry it took me over a day to respond (as those precious children from "Full House" would say, "how rude! You are a horrible Chinaman!"), but we've been getting a lot of business lately and it's hard to keep up. We recently started selling "WTC Memorial Rooftop Parachute Kits" which are home protection packages to allow people to parachute from the roof of their house when terrorists pilot their planes into them. With this recent skirmish in Iraq and the whole North Korea thing, the sales of WTC Memorial Rooftop Parachute Kits are going very strong and we're pulling in a lot of money from them. The secret lies in the fact that the actual parachute is just a nylon blanket with knitting yarn attached to a Korn backpack! Don't tell anybody though, as I want the money to keep rolling in :-P~~~~~~~

By the way, that :-P~~~~~ thing was a silly smile, it's used on the Inter-net to denote silly smiles, sorry if it confused you, I know you West Africans aren't experts with it comes to those things.

Anyway back onto business: I am interested in sending you all of my bank information as soon as possible, but I don't know what information you need. I went up to my bank Monday and said "Give me all the information for Tome-Logo" but they weren't able to help me out so I had to come home and somehow my socks caught fire on the way back (but that's a different story). What I need you to tell me is exactly what information I need to ask for so I can get this process started and find myself on the vaginal trail to money and success. Also I noticed your e-mail (electronic message) address ( barristerottis1@yahoo.com.au ) was in Austrailia. Will this affect our transaction to Tome-Logo?

Please write back at your earliest convenience. My bank does not open until 8:30 am on Wednesday, so I would appreciate it if you could contact me before then. I will be able to get to the bank around 1:30 PM because my two kids are coming into town and I have to turn off all the lights and act like I'm not here so they don't start demanding child support or whatever insane things their harpy mother is hammering into their heads. Also I think the postman is spying on me.

Thank you very much,

Danito McLachenstein
CEO of Freedom Alley Studios


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