
The Art Of The Bag Job

The previous shift left a nice bag job this morning. A nice long project that might take some ingenuity to complete because there is no procedure for it. Actually these are the type of jobs that I like to do, especially since there is no wrong way to do it and you meet all kinds of people chasing down parts for it. It kind of got me fueled up to take on as much work as I could get done this morning. It's funny how your mind will find a way to accomplish a task when you know what the end should be.

A colleague I work with doesn't have the same insight. I had to give him a task list that he accomplished piecemeal while I progressed. Unfortunately the tasks I gave him were not enough to keep him from commenting on my work. It was like working with Clippy the Microsoft Office Paperclip-Thing:

"It looks like you are trying to tighten a bolt. May I be of assistance?"

Hell, no, Clippy. Beat feet, Jerk!

I guess he's just doing what he knows. He's a Technician of Least Resistance. Don't get me wrong, there is a time to take the easy tasks, but when you don't finish the task you're doing so that you can take an easy job, and do that consistantly, you gain nothing but my opprobrium.


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